Its me, Dania! WSI, just like every other year, was OFF THA HOOK! There is no better place to be than Whistler in the spring for this event. The music was amazing, the skiing was ok, the weather was awful, but the peak to peak chair and the park jump set up was sooo sick.
For me, WSI started off with the Britney Spears concert in Vancouver... yah... you can IMAGINE my excitment. She was so damn hott and so damn amazing. really, nothing better ;) We all dressed up as her in a different video and looked SMOKIN.
SO WSI started off with a kicker party, not as much Max Fish as there normally is, but a ton of pole dancin and chargin the dance floor at Buffalo Bills. It was a busy busy week for me, felt awesome though! Big Air Quals started the
contest off, and my lil homie Megan Gunning won and i came second, so we were STOKED to be hitting the big jump the next night! We threw down with the boys in front of a hugeee crowd feelin awesome! We got to watch Roz G throw a sick 10 to take the win and the boys throw as many double corks as they could. Exhausted after, i decided to sleep instead of party so i could ski in Orage Masters the next day!
Team Dynastar (aka, 70s basketball team) consisted of Riddle, Trennon, Rainville, McCrea,
Me. Through the storm and fog, we tried our best to look awesome, make some baskets, and use team work to our advantage... In the end it was the Volkl team that took the win, but we did leave Surface a wee bit disappointed with kickin them out first round ;)
Next day was pipe Quals, and through a fuzzy morning from a long night dancing, I made it through to finals, meeting Ange already there! Angeli on Finals day was going bigger than most of the guys on her first hit... It was insane and SOOO sick! I had not skied pipe in about three months, so i just went for it, trying the run I was used to and having fun with my friends in the sun! Lots of smiling and dancing and picture taking! Suprise to find... I WON! I had no idea, until all the girls were finished, and I was so stoked! WSI has always been a goal, so being up there with Ange in second and Megan in third was EPIC! I was so pumped for my chicas and we had a blast all day! Another WSI going down in the books ;)
MOUNT HOOD, OR! summer time :)
Hey its Dania again! Reporting from HOOD! Let me tell you, if you are not out here, you should be! I began my June off with a phone call telling me that i could come down to Hood for a dollar less than a penny, and ski everyday! So
i took it and immediately started livin the ark life... Oregon is the most beautiful place on earth, and I do believe i need to marry and American so i can someday live here :) The vinyards and trees and mountains are so gorgeous! The ark life (where i am currently residing), is pretty
much a run down motel, infested with kids like me, just livin in Hood to ski and have pretty much the most laid back, awesome life you could ask for... We are here to ride, and timberline mountain is open all year round! Windells has offered us one of the sickest summer parks out there, and the best crew of employees to shred with everyday...
So skiing started out for me GREAT! I was skiing in the sun and occasional fog, and learning a handful of tricks! Didnt like my after skiing job so much, so I stopped that and kinda somehow got away with making up my own! I am now a pipe coach for a couple hours a day up on hill, and a yoga instructor! LEGIT right!? sooooo life is good! I currently have a terribly bruised tail bone, trying to heal and get back out there soon... Meanwhile, Anna Segal is killin it doing rodeos and sick 5s... showin her little campers how its done! Moo was also out here for two sessions kickin it and skiing with us! Windells has a new Tow Rope for s few rails and some 30 footers that are super fun, a new bag jump which people are LOVING, and a real sick pipe!!!
We are enjoying our ski time, party time at DA HOOD HOUSE, (all of dem crazy boys!) THE ARK, and surfing and beaching a ton on the coast! Lots of beach trips and Portland trips, boys and dress up, mess and trampolines, camp food, late nights and early mornings! I sent it hard for Canada Day :) have to represent, and for the 4th we took a trip to the Coast for some surfin, beachin, yoga
on the beach, and sleeping on the sand under the stars.. :)

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