As the Modan ladies are all busy KILLIN it in Park City, the Winter Dew Tour stop 2 came through Utah.
We had a blast skiing with some different homies for a few days, lapping through Pick n Shovel and Kings Crown... V Ron gettin her jump on, Molly getting blunted, and Anna cruisin Kings with her Colorado friends in town for Dew Tour! Ange has been nice enough to let me crash on her couch the past week, and has been keeping me positive! Veronica's skiing is looking as hot has her new brown hair, and Molly is waiting for the snow, to get ready for the Freeskiing World Tour stop she is attending in Feburuary!
I went to Snowbasin to compete in the pipe contest! Third day back on snow, and just happy to be rippin around PC with all the MODAN chicas again, I decided to go into this contest with ease, after being out for the past month and a half with a heel bruise. It went well, and through the pain, I had a TON of fun skiing! The boys and girls throwing down, and the people of Utah came out to support their local favorites! Tom Wallisch and a well deserved slopestyle win, Jossi Wells winning Pipe, and Sarah is back on top after being out almost a full season last year! CONGRATS TO YOU ALL! Yeah Tommy, way to kill it on snow and the 4-9 at 4bi9. ;)
Hopefully toward the end of this month and in Feburuary, we will have some edits to put out!